Career Design Podcast

Welcome to The Career Design Podcast

Episode Transcription



first off, I want to welcome you to episode one. This is designed your dream career. The dream career is something that I talk about all the time. And who am I? Well, my name is Lindsay Mustain and I've been in the acquisition space here now for more than 18 years. In my lifetime, I have hired over 10,000 people and became the most visible employee of Amazon, which meant on the LinkedIn platform, I got more engagement than even Jeff himself.




I've spent a lot of time and taught acquisition and recruiting and I've learned what goes right and what goes wrong. How do people set themselves apart from the people who are competing at the entry level, the applying game, you're probably familiar with that to the people who are sought after this elusive species of talent, who seem to get anything they ever want in their career? And what is their secret? Well, that is what I hope to clear out for you today. And through the series of this podcast, I really want you to understand what goes in to creating what we call a purple squirrel, and how you become one of those people that attract opportunities to you that you never imagined possible. So is it possible to have your dream job? Yes. Is it possible to do it at the right company?




Is it possible to make more money than you ever imagined? Yes. And can you do it while making the greatest contribution of your life? Absolutely. Okay. I'm going to break it out here. First off, I swear a little bit, you're going to have to get used to that. But I want to tell you the truth. So I am here to really align with what the hell is the idea of a career design. Okay, so when we think about, you know, design, we think probably maybe graphic design or websites or maybe even your wardrobe, these are things that I hold design, but I want you to think about now intentional career design in your career. So what do I know a little bit about this? Well, I've been doing it for 18 years, I worked in notable companies, I reviewed over a million resume, and I even wrote the best selling book on it on Amazon. So I'm here to kind of enlighten you and take you down the pathway of showing you what your potential really what's potential for you what's possible and I want you to know that it is much higher than you have ever imagined for yourself and my goal for you is to elevate That and really curate a career that truly speaks to your calling, we're no longer doing things that we hate, we're no longer being underpaid. We're no longer settling. And some of you my ambitious folks, you guys know exactly what I'm talking about. Okay. So I am just really thrilled to start this podcast because you guys have been telling you wanted me back for a while, and my team has been working on it. So here we are. And what I really want to describe for you is the kind of person this is for so one, if you are used to settling, this is the podcast for you, okay, and maybe this will help you open up your mind to other potential. But if you have been perpetually disappointed with everything in your life, probably not the podcast for you. If you are looking for something that where you grow, where you reach to the next step where you truly continue to push yourself, and you don't find that place of complacency, you continue to challenge and even when things are really hard, you don't give up, then this might be the podcast for you. In fact, you are just the right person, if you see everything around you as negotiable. If you see everything that you experience in your career as an opportunity to either embrace or discard, then that's different. It's a very strategic mindset. And what goes into it is being carefully thought out. Now, I'm going to tell you that this is not how most people design their career. In fact, it didn't even happen for me until I realized I was a cog in the machine. So I'm going to go back to tell you that story. And it was at the height of my career, I was at Amazon, they had given me a job that had never existed, leveraging that same brand, that personal brand of being in front of millions and millions of job seekers every single week, and using that to attract talent. And they gave me this job that wanted to utilize all of those things. And so I realized that in order for some of the best qualified people, the people who don't naturally have the conversation or negotiation, or even the presentation skills, to present themselves at the highest level, and I'm going to give you a hint here, it eludes almost everyone I work with C suite I work with really high figure potential people and they still don't know how to grasp. And when I realized that I talked to a chief branding officer nearly made them kind of break down trying to visualize what their what their career should be, that this alludes everybody, it should. And it's why I'm the best in the world at what I do, which is identifying your potential, and pulling that out of you and putting it on such high stage that everybody is reaching for it saying I want you on my team, I will do whatever it takes to make that happen. And that is the place of career power. And that's what we're really trying to do inside of career design is go to a place for being a seeker and a passive person in their career, meaning you're in the passenger seat, and people who have just handed you opportunities is what's happened so far. And that's just not good enough for me, okay, so I want you to know that you can and it doesn't really matter your background, this is the part you're not going to believe it doesn't really matter how many qualifications you have, it doesn't really matter your education, it doesn't really matter about anything that looks like qualifications, it matters a whole different level. Now these things will play into it. But your ability to see your strategic value, and how you bring this new dynamic into a company, no matter what the job is, is what's actually going to sell you what is going to sell you and I want you to remember that you're not selling time for money, you're selling your value for an investment. And guess what, if you think your value is low, what is anybody going to invest in you it's going to be a low amount if you start to raise your value, how you feel internally, how you feel about what you do, and the mark you make in this world. And you realize that that is of great importance that you have something to share with the world that no one else does. And guess what? That's exactly what's happening. Once you understand that, that's when we elevate you to the level where you get to pick and choose your opportunities. And you might be thinking, you know what, Lindsay, this sounds amazing. But what the heck do you know? And did you What did you realize we're in a pandemic? And I'm going to say, Yes, I do. I looked at millions of resumes. Now, I've worked with 9000 people inside of my business. I know what I'm doing not just by research, but also by proof of concept and by reverse engineering, the same process that I put in front of you like a maze to get you through from the beginning to the end. And what I recognized was that actually studies show that the success of somebody on the job is not correlated to how well they interview. In fact, there's about you could pick a card out of a hat. And if you put everybody qualified in there, and that person will have as much likely success in performing on the job as if we've gone through a full interview around that including that time where I interviewed with 12 Different people, yes, they could have just picked somebody out of the hat. Now, I went through the full wedding. And probably if you are more senior in your career, you have been through some serious vetting in your life. And I'm going to tell you that that vetting that is actually the part where we want to really reduce that we want them to come in with this eager mentality thinking, Oh, my gosh, how do we get this person on board, you know what that title is not high enough for them, we're gonna have to increase it. And you know what, I know that they're not even close to competitive. So we're going to come up with salary, I know it's way out of scope. But think about what this person is going to give us in return. And when you start to get into that mindset, when you start to turn into that mindset, that's when we can elevate you, okay? And I'm not going to say it's going to be like an overnight thing. because let me tell you, I was there. If you are in a place where you are not even working right now, we can still get you out of that, in fact, this year in 2020, and I'm releasing this in 2021. But this year, 2020, the average person who's worked with me, has actually achieved $50,000 more in salary, just the average person. That means that we've gotten like six different multiple, six figure increases for people in the middle of a recession. Okay, so I just want you to sit there for a second, I want you to marinate on that. What people don't have jobs, and you can get them more money now than ever how it's magic. Okay, first off, it's magic, because I'm a little magical here. But what my superpower is, is an identifying what's magic about you? What is that spectacular thing that's inside of you. That just brings you to life that creates incredible joy. So that when you go and do work, it's meaningful, it doesn't feel like it's meaningless. And I'm going to tell you, Gallup says and Gallup is one of the best human capital studies out there for the kind of research they put together. And they said, the single greatest source of your well being well being five different concepts, and we'll talk about this and other episodes, but the main one is occupational, because if you don't have an occupation, if you don't feel like you're making a contribution, if you don't feel like you've made a difference in this world, that's what we measure whether or not when we go home, and we feel like we're satisfied in our life. And I don't mean like satisfied and like, Hey, you know what, I have food and water that is so good to be grateful for what you have. And those things are massive blessings. There are people in the world who don't have that. And so it's important to be grateful. But it's also important to say, I aspire to do more, because that calling and that's how you know, you're the perfect person to listen to this podcast, that calling the one the little voice even when somebody slaps you down and says, You know what, your ideas are no good. I've been there. Let me tell you, your ideas are no good. Who do you think you are? Or you may even think yourself, I'm not worthy of


that. These are all things that we are going to shift through this podcast is to get you into the mindset of well, eliminating scarcity and the belief that there is more opportunity, and I'll tell you, there's plenty, which is why so much wealth is held in the very highest. So I want you remember, you don't need to fight for scraps, there's plenty of opportunity out there for you. You just need to know how to leverage it. Okay, so that's what's really important inside of this process, okay? So my goal, ultimately coming through this is for you to be able to see those innate abilities in yourself and sometimes just gonna be like you're in the dark with a flashlight, you're not even sure what you're looking for. Guess what, that is the perfect place to start. Okay. The only place that you can fail from here is if you don't go if you choose to not take the next step. But if you're thinking, you know what, something about this totally speaks to my soul. Something about my Spirit says, Yes, I have been tapped to receive this information so that I can open up and therefore find what my true calling is. And this, this kind of transformation, it is absolutely life changing. Can you imagine if you've got to go to work every day and love what you do, okay, that's the core tenant of everything. You went to work and you love what you do, so that when you come home, because let's be really honest, what's after work is what really matters in our life. It's why we work the things that we love the people that we love, the the children, the animals, the things that matter in our life, the relationships, that's what we're really working for. So we want to have something to do because in fact, when people retire, this is one of their existential crisis is they don't understand how I guess crazy would be the right word, right? I don't understand what I'm supposed to do. Now. I've already achieved a massive success. And I've seen people who've done this, they've come to me after leaving seat, being the CEO of a major companies in Silicon Valley and driving up in their, you know, all rates and they're like, I can't find fulfilment, and I'm like, you're looking at the wrong thing. You're trying to find something when you haven't when you stopped reaching, okay, so you need to figure out what's inside of that. And that means that reach is inside to not just externally, and not the place of like, I want to be better than anyone else, but that I want my life to matter. That's really what we're going for here is, Does my life matter at the end of my days? Will my time here have mattered and if that's something that talks to you, then that's exactly what this podcast is about. So, now, this is the end of my first episode, design your dream career. And here's what I want you to do. First, I want you to go and subscribe to my podcast. So whatever platform you listen, I want you to subscribe. And then I want you to give me a review. And I mean, like the stars and the writing and all of that. And the last thing is, I want you to go to career design and I want you to subscribe, and get onto our mailing list. Now here's why you're going to want to do that. I am actually opening up one of the things I have not offered in about three years which is exclusive a one on one coaching with me. That's right, the person who does this podcast who teaches this, this value, I can't even tell you I mean the last negotiated salary got was over $200,000 so I'm just going to put a cap a total on this will be worth $20,000 $20,000 coaching package with me and includes resume writing includes mindset includes getting your LinkedIn design, it understands how to connect your personal brand, to your authority to elevate you and create the kind of strategy around your career so that you get to go to work and love what you do you finally unlock the steps. That's all you have to do is Rate, Subscribe, write some comments and go to career design and get on to our mailing list so that way we continue to help you on this journey. I'm Lindsay Mustain. Thank you so much for joining me for my first podcast ever and I will see you in the next episode.