Career Design Podcast

Ep. 4: The Elusive Dream Job

Episode Transcription


Why is it so freaking hard to find your dream job? Well, I'm gonna tell you the answer is in the definition. Stay tuned for today's episode. Welcome to episode number four, the elusive dream job. So why is it so hard to nail down what a dream job looks like? Well, that's because we are all different colors, shapes and sizes kind of individuals. And the same thing happens with dream jobs is that it's suited for each individual person. So once you know, there's not one single definition, every single person's idea of their dream job is going to be different. And in fact, in reality, it may sound great, and then in practicality, it does not actually work out. So I wanted to find it across three criteria on so that you understand when we're talking about the right job, the dream job, we're talking about three things. So first one is the right job. So I said that the right job, the second part is the right company. And the third part is the right salary. Okay, so when I want you to think about the right job, here's how, you know, if it's a dream job, one, you are excited about what you do every day, you go into work, and you are excited. And even if you get like shut down or things go not as great for the day, you're still come back with that same energy and enthusiasm, okay? That's the ideal of a dream job. Now, if that is where you send your state more than 50% of the day, that is 100% of the dream job, okay. And a lot of times in theoretics, we're looking at this, what is it that I'm going to be looking for in the future. So I want you to think that can I be in the zone of where I want to be 50% of the time of the day where I really love what I'm doing, okay, and I should be feeling that energy. And by the end of the day, I should not be feeling like it's taken away from me, it's continued to give me energy. Okay. So that's why you know, you're in the right job. The second thing is the right company. Okay, so let me talk a little bit about what happens inside of organizations. And so the person who's going to have one of the most major influences you and your life is your direct supervisor, okay. And this is why most people leave their companies is some sort of interaction with their boss. And we really need to vet this process. And so you might have an amazing job. But if your boss is terrible, then notice that it becomes not the dream job. So you have to have first the foundation of the work that you really love doing, that allows you to gives you energy allows you to do that work spectacularly, in essence, and then a supervisor who will empower you to do that, okay. And so if your supervisor is not somebody who is giving you the right support for you to grow, then it's not the right dream job. Now, I'm not saying that you can't move supervisors, you can, but I'm going to say that sometimes this is, in of itself, is just as hard as finding a new job. So a lot of people are like really lucky, they have a good job, or they have a really great boss. Lucky if you get them together, it's very rare. You'll find people talk about that, like, like that golden age in their career when they had a great boss. And they had, they had an amazing job. But one of the last pieces that doesn't usually come with it is the right salary. Okay. And so here's where I want you to go with the right talent, the right salary is the idea that you get paid the most you've ever earned to job to do a job. We're in the performance work, where you love what you do, and you do it underneath a manager and inside of an organization that aligns with your integrity, your ethics, your values, so that you get to do good work at a great company and get paid really well for it. Oh, there's the dream. Okay. Now, some of you're gonna be like, Oh, my God, that's never gonna happen. Okay, so whatever you decide right now about what I just said, will be your reality. Meaning if you decide it's possible for you than it is, if you decide it's not, then this isn't for you.




I want you to think about these a little bit deeper. And I'm going to tell you here is the mindset that people tend to struggle, they think that they can't have all three. Okay, so if you think you can't have them, and Henry Ford, he has a quote that he said, whether you think you can or whether you think you cannot, you're right. And despite anything else you want to think about that that quote is fantastic. And so the truth is that as soon as you decide that it is or isn't, then that's going to be your reality. Okay, so you need to choose that when you think okay, so yes, Lindsay, I've already talked enough about this. You've talked about so many different of your so many clients, so many different stories, all of these things. Okay, I'm starting to believe you. And why? Why is the mindset that actually pushes against it? Well, most of the time that we've been programmed to go to school, and that's like, you know, my kids started school when they were six weeks old, meaning that they went to early childhood development, education, and so they've been going to school all of their lives, okay. And then after that, when we graduate high school, we are supposed to go to college and then we go out and maybe we get more, more degrees, more certificates, more things, and become more qualified. And then we look for this job where we put in time we get paid, and then we go home and we tend to perpetuate this cycle for the rest of our lives, which is not good enough for me first off, okay. So the mindset here, when To say is that I am unique, I have an incredibly unique value that I bring to any organization, and any organization would be lucky to have me on board. And my goal now is to go find a company that is worthy of me not, am I worthy of them, that's not a high caliber candidate position, when you say, I have these things, these are the strategies that I offer, that's when you can become the candidate of choice, which means that you elevate your candidacy, you become the solution to what a company needs, they beg you to come on board, and they'll do whatever it takes, including giving you more salary, more benefits, increased responsibility, increased title, nothing is out of bounds for negotiation here, this is how effective this is. But you have to really understand that you have to have all three of these things. So when you are trying to look for that next step in your career, if you're in a place where you're like, well, I really like this, like parts of this, I'm going to tell you that it's very hard to move inside of an organization without creating some of the most, it would be career defining moments, and then leveraging that, to have a conversation with your boss, it'd be really hard to do that. Versus exiting. Okay, now, it's probably scary when you're like, Okay, but now I need to exit company. And that seems to that makes me nervous, right? Like, I'm worried to leave, and all of those things that come along with job searching. And so I want you to remember, the only way that you're going to get anything out of this entire process of really defining your career is you have to have something which we call walking power. Okay, so walking power is the ability to say, No, thank you, I'm not interested, that doesn't serve me or that doesn't interest what my skill set is. Now walking power is really, it's a really strong thing. And if you look at any negotiating strategy, it always talks about walking power. But when you think about this, when you're looking inside of a company, there, they you've seen this, right, they're going to give you the smallest percentage increase, they're going to try to hem and haw, you maybe give you a little tiny bit of like, maybe there's a hope for a promotion next year, and then they don't actually do anything with it. If you've been there, I feel you, okay, this is why it's nearly impossible to move inside of an organization unless you become this powerhouse that I've done that before. But still, people will nickel and dime you and try to get as much out of you while shutting down your skills and your gifts to define something that they preset. So the best way for you to do this is actually to exit the organization. So if you choose to do this, just make sure you know that if you go up and talk to your supervisor about any kind of salary increase, you have to have walking power, okay, that's the single goal. If you want change your role, if you want change, you have to be willing to walk away completely, in order for you to be able to actually use that as leverage, okay? Now, once you think that going into a new organization, so this is why people can come out. And you may have had that you might even know someone who used to work for them. And they weren't that great, but it coming inside from an external perspective and coming in, we can only interview you for this surface concept of what it is that we're really looking for. And you get to present yourself this, like, almost adjudicated, distilled version of you that's at the highest level. So it doesn't include, it's not a tell all real, it's the highlight reel, no bloopers here, we're gonna talk about the very, very highest, whereas in a company before, you know, they're tracking your progress. And this time, they don't track anything positive, the track negative, whereas a company will come and they will look at everything that you've done to become the person you are today.


And that's why it's so much easier to insert yourself inside of a company with the dream job at the right company, the right salary, versus going out and creating it inside of your existing organization. So somebody's gonna be like, you know what, it's not for me, because I'm not really willing to rock the boat. And that's totally okay, careers that I podcast really wasn't meant for people who don't want to rock the boat, it's really meant for people who are willing to make waves because without, without rocking the boat, you don't make waves, and you don't shake anything up. So if that's you, then then hang on with me here. Because this is really what we're trying to get into is how do we create the caliber of a candidacy that makes people bend over backwards, they give us the right job, because even if they don't have an open, they're like, we see all the value that you have, that the boss is amazing, somebody who's going to be just as bought into your success, because they see it as a win win opportunity. You're going to work in an organization where they love what they do for their customers, and therefore you get to love what you do for them. Okay. And then the last thing is that if you do everything, right, if what I teach, then you can increase your salary. And it's not just like a little bit, we're talking on average, in my lifetime, it's $10,000 and 2020 $52,000. On average, the person would increase. But mindset is really what comes into this is that they think people think they can't, they don't think they can find it. They don't think they know how to do it. I'm gonna say you're probably right, you won't be able to find it, you'll figure out how to do it unless you listen to an expert, which is a good thing that you are here, right now. So I want you to go back down to this one little voice inside of you at the end of the day that says hey, I was meant to do more. I call this your soul whisper. It's really truly what you were meant to do. And it's time for you stop brushing it aside and pretending that it's not there and that you're okay. Just trying every day fighting tooth and nail to go towards this dream that you really Have in finding that you're not able to come up to it. Okay, I want you to let go of that narrative. And I want you to think that yes, these things are possible for you. And in fact, I'm gonna give you a really easy way for you to do that right now. In fact, we have a contest happening right now as part of my launch of the career design podcast, which is if you'll do these three things, one rate, wherever you are, go ahead and rate review and subscribe on whatever platform you're at. And then I want you to go to the career design And I want you to enter your information to be on our mailing list, we're actually going to pick a winner who's going to get to be personally coached by me, it's a $20,000 coaching program, so that you can make this move from being really passive in your career to getting into the driver's seat and talking about what it is that I truly want inside of my job every day, what is the kind of manager that I want? What kind of organization do I want to work with? And then how do I get paid really well for I'm gonna show you all three of those things working directly with me. All you have to do, rate review, subscribe and go sign up for my mailing list. I can't wait to see on the inside.