Career Design Podcast

Ep. 17: Energy As Success

Episode Notes


Episode 17

Pamela, Leeza, Lindsay


Leeza  00:00

I'm Lindsay Mustaine, and this is the career design podcast made for driven ambitious square pegs and round holes type professionals who see things differently and challenge the status quo. We obliterate obstacles and unlock hidden pathways to overcome and succeed where others have not stagnation feels like death. And we are unwilling to compromise our integrity and settle for being average in any way. We are the backbone of any successful business and those who overlook our potential are doomed to a slow demise. We do work that truly matters aligns with our purpose, and in turn, we make our lasting mark on the world. We are the dreamers, doers, legends, and visionaries who are called to make our most meaningful contribution and love what we do. 


Lindsay  00:42

Okay, first of all, I am so excited about this session right now. So we're going to be talking about using energy to create success. And so I have Pamela Chen and Leeza Robertson with me, I'm gonna let them introduce themselves here. But talking about how you can usually truly embody success by changing your energy around it. And it's the kind of results they see. And I watch them as somebody who is a peer of theirs and business, the results they create are absolutely magical. And I cannot wait to share this with you. So do you guys mind start by telling me ladies about yourselves? 


Pamela  01:19

Hi, everyone and thank you so much for having us here, Lindsey, we are so excited. So I'm Pamela and I am a quantum wealth coach for spiritual entrepreneurs, high achieving leaders, visionaries, creative, who's really ready to create our heart-centered online intuitive business, and you're ready to attract these ideal soulmate clients by magnetizing your energy. So the work that least I do is to work with the energetic methodology and the new technologies. And we work through the energetic centers you might know as chakras, and really get you out there being comfortable being safe and supported while you are being seen. And also, working with Leeza and me, we create a lot of fun in, you know, your business by activating that intuitive awareness of the flow state.


Leeza  02:15

I love that and for those of you that are in, you're like, oh, I don't have a business. Well, let's be really clear, you are already in business, the business of me, Inc. You are already in business. So when you think about that, if you're like, oh, I'm not in my own business, you are operating, you are sovereign of yourself. And that is a business of its own. But how you create massive wealth truly, and freedom of any other person is through your own business. Alright, Lisa, tell us about you. I'm Leeza Robertson. I'm the other half of quantum wealth coaching with Pam. And I like what you said there, Lindsay because I think one of the things that Pam and I really work on is that the energetics the energetic technology of you know, sovereign success. And that is really looking deeply at the chakra system, looking at how the coding the scripting, and the narrative has been imprinted upon that energetic body, how it's being projected through the auric field, and how it's creating and attracting the life that our students and clients have. So yes, it definitely starts with the self. And then we look at how that energy and that technology is expanding beyond the self into the business model. 


Lindsay  03:27

Oh, I love this. So I already had a chance to have him come in and talk to some of our clients. So this one is like this is not just like a gift for people who are listening. But to me and getting to experience it firsthand to see you tell us about how you use this and how you change your energy around to manifest what you really want in your life.


Pamela  03:47

Definitely. So these are never really we're focused on expansion, we really focus on activating both abundance prosperity codes that are ready inside of you, and the work that we do we really create from the future. So we want you to trust in your future that the possibilities are all there that there is no separation and that you are already there. So that's what it really means to quantum leap and quantum manifests. And Leeza so, if you want to share or debunk the theory of this quantum shifting.


Leeza 04:21

Yeah, so one of the techniques that Pam and I work with and it's something that I've been using for well over a decade in my private energy practice is we don't talk about the past. We don't talk about it at all. We don't bring it into any conversation. Because if we are living from up to the past, we can't make a quantum shift. A quantum shift happens in the present moment. So we're very specific about how we set up groups. And how we do this and what we mean by quantum shift is narrowing the gap between that which we desire and the energetic sovereign self. So as we do this work, we become a faster vibrational match. And therefore, it looks like we've had this a massive quantum leap. So we do that by being very specific, very intentional, and holding very disciplined sacred space for our clients and students.


Pamela  05:20

Yes, we do a lot of practical work, actually. So we help you build these habits that you can, you know, infuse and integrate into your business into your life daily so that you can create these little shifts and every single day that adds up to a monthly shift to a yearly shift. And you won't even know like, by the next month, you'll be like, wow, I hit it, and then you came and feel it. That's what quantum shift really means.


Leeza  05:45

Yeah, so and it also, like, I think that other times, it collapses time and increases results, right? So you don't have to wait to do this. It's a shift when you actually decide and you can embody it, then your energy in turn will create it for you. Yes. Yeah, I was like, I feel like this would be like, I have to work hard. We were talking about this before I started recording, like, stop working hard and start working magic. will tell me as you said, talk about your energetic fields. And so I will kind of for the layman here for people who maybe have not gotten into some of this really cool stuff that I'm so excited to share gonna share with you. What can you describe what that means? 


Lindsay  06:21

Yes, I'm going to actually let Lisa take this because the methodology that we use is from her book, she's also a published author. So we really took what she gathered for years, and we shared it with our students. And it's been, we've seen amazing transformations, we had a student come in with us, she had $0. In her business, she didn't even have a business yet. And within a year from working with us, now she is a millionaire. She just had her $100,000 month this month.


Leeza  06:51

Gosh, that is so amazing. And, and this is what Pamela is like, Lisa is one of the best in the world. And so like it is an honor to get to even hear you talk about it. So I cannot wait. Oh, I don't know about that. Okay. So let's define what we call energetics and how we work with the energetic body. So and this is where you don't have to be into a new age for this to work, you don't have to have any new age beliefs. The human body that we know this physical body is actually slowed down matter. And this slow down matter has electromagnetically steeled around it. And this electromagnetic field is actually where we hold a lot of our beliefs and our codes. And when we talk about codes, we are kind of talking about beliefs, and what we now limit our fears, our doubts, and all that kind of stuff. So this electromagnetic field works in conjunction with the seven main chakras. And these energetic centers run through the body. So they run through the body into this electromagnetic field, they start at the base of the spine, and they finish at the top of the head. Now we have millions of smaller ones throughout our entire physical body that help pump energy through us. But I want people to think about their physical bodies as a battery. This is the way we describe it to our students who are coming to this for the very first time your physical body is a battery. And it has a plug at the bottom, which is the root chakra, and a plug at the top which is the crown chakra. And in order for this electromagnetic field to be harnessed and leveraged been working in the best possible way for you, both ends of your battery need to be plugged in. Now I don't know about you, but I've tried to put a battery in and only put in the top part, nothing works, you've got to have the bottom and the top completely plugged in. And the energy has to run completely through that battery in order for it to charge and in order for it to get things moving. Your body is exactly the same. So we work on fine-tuning this battery which is your body which is your electromagnetic field to leverage your success which is already written within you so that we can amplify it, spark it up and get it moving.


Lindsay  09:27

Oh my gosh, I love this. It makes it so clear because for me, I have a background in yoga and that was really when chakra really got introduced to me and having different pieces and then more I've noticed I spent a lot of time tuning my chakras actually that's one of the things I credit a lot of use crystals and chakras and essential oils and a lot of different manifesting techniques and I so for people who that was outside watching me they're like, I don't know what you're doing. And I was like I'm going all-in on the energetic work versus what we can see and touch and feel and I talk a lot we have to change the interstate. First, especially like calming chaos, because if you're feeling frenetic and chaotic in your energy like that's exactly how it will show up in the world For you see, I love the idea of getting the year, the year the energy and you can, you can measure your vibration like that's not this is science, we're not just coming up with it. This is like physics actually. So I love what you're like connecting the energetics to the actual physical matter. That's amazing. So tell me how you turn it on. Like if you're the energy and then you turn to take this in create matter in real life.


Pamela  10:30

I think I think one of the main things we also need to talk about is that we attune to what we desire. And we don't listen, I don't teach alignment. Because if you are already aligned with something, that means you have it. So with our energies, we attend to it and we don't balance because there's never going to be completely balanced. So we don't use those words. Because it kind of gives our clients like a fake, you know, theory, like I have to be all balanced, I have to be this No, you're like multidimensional being like you're not always going to be balanced or aligned with everything that you do or say, but you want to be attuned, you want to be focused on what you desire, and what you're desiring.


Lindsay  11:16

Yeah, love that.


Pamela  11:17

Yeah. So leave that like Leeza says, when we are plugged in, that's when we are connected to, you know, you know, as above and below. So when we have connected above, we are able to receive, like this inspiration, the create the creative ideas, the downloads, that can spark our action. And then if your root chakra, which is the first chakra at the base of your spine, is feeling safe and supported. That is that we talk about the lower three a lot like Leeza pounded into us but both were three is very important. And when you feel safe and supported, then you can draw all those ideas and you can root them into the physical world. And that creates your manifestation. Also, we share a lot about how the heart is like the bridge between the two so your heart and emotions then are very powerful. So your intention is like it's like the I would say the fishing hook. So you throw it out there into the quantum field, and how you feel and what you visualize is what's going to attract your intentions, your goals into reality.


Lindsay  12:31

I love it. Okay. That is amazing. I mean, I think that it makes it a little bit easier. And if for those that are in chakras, if you are really interested this like I would go just take a second to go Google because every energetic Center has a different like your route is around your safety and security. Right. Whereas your crown chakra at the top of your head is really about getting that higher self download. Is that accurate? Am I close?


Leeza  12:54

Oh, you could just find my book.


Lindsay  12:56

Yeah, yeah. Oh, there we go. Thank you.


Pamela  13:02

So Leeza, and I do work with a lot of people who are interested in opening up their intuition connecting to magic, build a deeper spiritual practice. So everyone comes into us, and they're like, we want to open our psychic eye or third eye, our crown chakra. And we're like, oh, no, the reason why you're not connecting is that your route, your bottom three energetic centers, are not strong. 


Lindsay  13:27

We really have to work on the lower ones in order to access the higher ones is how I feel about mine. Okay, apparently, it was like until you understand safety and security, which is there's a lot of belief in those large circles around the creation and the power of your ability to manifest and creating ideas and confidence and whether or not you feel safe and secure in your world, right? If you don't have that's that energy where it won't happen for you because you don't believe that you are


Leeza  13:50

right. Well, the root chakra is primarily. And it's interesting because I've been talking to a lot of people about this, this next evolutionary jump that the species is really on the cusp of having, but in order for us to have that we all have to understand that we've got to get our root chakra out of survival scripting, the root chakra is our most primal energetic center, its job is to survive. And because a lot of people haven't done work on this root chakra, you know, it's the vegetables of the chakra system. It's boring. It's like fiber. Like you'll die if you don't have it, but people don't want to deal with it. So it is like it's one of these energy centers that's so vitally important for everything we want to do. And what Pam and I go through our courses is we start really changing the programming in that root chakra from survival to thriving, because if we're going to seriously see an evolutionary leap here, we have to start with the energetic body and we have to start with reprogramming that root chakra we have to get out of survival mode. Survival Mode is hustle mode. Survival Mode is burnout mode survival mode is being overwhelmed. Survival Mode is where when your dreams come true, they end up becoming absolute nightmares because you're not prepared for the consequences that come with everything that you have been manifesting. So the root chakra is probably the most important chakra we work with, with our spiritual entrepreneurs, because we need to move them into the new galactical frequencies. And again, this is not new age stuff, although the New Age is talking about it, our planet is literally in a different spot in space, we have different galactical frequencies running through our planet. And they are operating at a much faster, higher awarded level than we've seen throughout history. So we need to get our vibrational body attuned to this. And that starts in the root. And as I said, it's kind of like fiber. People don't want to talk about it. But that's actually your key to success. Yeah, love that though, I think you've covered like when I see this is exactly what it is. And most of the people that I'm working with are in corporate America, they're leading these major, you know, profitability centers inside of companies, and they're, they're surviving, they're broken down, they are exhausted. And they may be like, I really loved what I did. But now it's, it's like, I could do anything I like my whole, my body is breaking down, my soul is breaking down. And so I think that that's really powerful. Now, we've talked a little bit about crafting a new energetic identity. I don't know if that has, have you, we want to talk a little bit about that idea.


Pamela  16:35

Yes. So Leeza, and I believe that there is no separation from what you desire. And so basically, that means, who you desire to be who desire, what you desire to have, you have to be it is ready. So you have to craft this identity, you have to be really clear on who you are, how you feel, and how you are going to show up in the world. So instead of waiting for that to happen, and then taking actions as that person, right, instead of waiting to make a million dollars, then I'm going to you know, invest in my business, you have to take the action, first, you have to invest in yourself, and you have to invest in your business, and you have to invest in your life before that, that that desire can appear in your reality because then you're telling the universe, I am already there, I am already there. And it's not just so at least and I work with three different realms, we work with the mindset, we work with the energy that we just talked about, and we work with the physical reality. So all three are essential to manifesting your goals to collapse time.


Leeza  17:46

This and this comes out of the St. Germain process of the I Am. It's a really old technique that used to be used pretty much by only spiritual Gnostics. So it was part of this connection to the Divine Principle and that is that there is no separation on Earth as there is in heaven, right. So this is a very old, very old teaching. And we use it in business again, for the same reason because we are reprogramming is the energetic body, this energetic frequency, this auric field, this electromagnetic, gravitational pool that we have around us slowed down matter. As part of this, I am processing so that we understand that who we are. And what we do is not a separate thing. who we are and how we live is not a separate thing. who we are and how we dream is not a separate thing. So that's part of crafting this new vibrational identification, which becomes a complete embodiment process, through the emotions through the mind, through the energy, and through the physical day-to-day habits.


Pamela  19:05

I think you just get to show up as your best self, right, you get to show up as the best leader for your employees, maybe for your team, and you get to inspire and you get to live out your legacy, your mission happy, you're just full of joy every time you are helping others and creating, you know, creating bigger income, that is a big thing. And it is the spiritual path. We say that running your business is the biggest spiritual development that we can ever achieve. Right, Lisa?


Leeza  19:36

Yeah, um, I think, you know, there's only a couple of things that I have done in my life that I think have broken me the most one is running my own business and the other one being an author. And I think like, you know, we talk about these breakdowns to break through all the time in a spiritual component, but I don't think we give them enough air time when it comes to Success. I don't think we give it enough air time when it comes to especially women when it comes to how do we step into power. So it's we're taking as a team really all practices that were devotional and that was really day today and we're bringing them back. And we're giving them new life in this new realm so that we can elevate and up a level, not just ourselves, but our community and our planet.  I love this, I'm going to read a quote here that we talked about when people go into the place of career power, which is they'll knock four things passion, purpose, pursuit, and profitability when they're in the place of their zone of genius. And the greatest fear of high potential people is that they have spent their entire life being adequate and average, rather than stretching and reaching for their genius and not achieving their full potential. I feel really truly like this part when I understood how to connect to some of these things that you're talking about. And it's definitely I'm a student here, I'm not the master, I'm a student. But that's where I turned my life into a different way. It looks like people are like, you're happier, you're healthy. Life is easy, and fun. And it does not have to be hard. It's like just being around the right things and understanding the right steps that you have to do to amplify what it is that you really truly want. But you have to be willing to do it. That's the other part is that people think about it. And again, this idea of like, what can I touch, feel, or see. And that's that, like, I need to be in the physicality of it. And it's not about that you have to embody it first if you want to receive it, it's a self-fulfilling prophecy if you want to go back to like, what, what traditional, you know, psychology says it's self-fulfilling. If we decide what we are going to be, then we become that. You just have to decide what you want to be.


Pamela  21:44

And I think that's the right that's the part where it's so easy, but people don't do it because they're stuck. And if I talked about this all the time, but if you say your affirmations, if you say that I am if you're claiming it five minutes in the morning, every single day, that's great, but what about the other 23 hours? 55 minutes of the day? Like what else? Are you claiming? I am not happy I am this. So working with Lisa and I really become aware of your thoughts of your beliefs that are running through your automatic programming, right? And that's what we want to brainwash, you brainwash yourself into reprogramming something else. And whatever you're thinking goes out into that energy. So whatever you are focusing on is being sent out there to come back to you. So that's why you can't just do affirmations meditate for five minutes in the morning and you're done. You have to have a constant awareness throughout the day so that you're prepping yourself for success. You're prepping yourself your energy for success. 


Lindsay  22:46

I love that. Okay, amazing. So if they want to take this next or one kit, Lisa, can you tell us cuz I know you have many different things you've authored, which book would you recommend people go to first?


Leeza  22:56

A Tarot healer. So that's the one that's exclusively written for the chakras. Now, I don't want people to be thrown off by the fact that it has Taro in the title. I have many Reiki masters who have bought this book to hand it out at second level Reiki. I've had people write to me and tell me it's one of the most comprehensive chakra books they've ever read. So don't be thrown out by it. I just wrote it with Taro because that's one of my healing modalities. So I wanted to incorporate one of my healing two of my great healing modalities and put them together in a book. But this book will walk you through all of the seven chakras. It will also walk you through the seven main issues of each chakra and it gives you exercises to see how your energy is where it needs to be tweaked and suggestions on how to bring that all together and get that vibrational body working for you and not against you. So I cannot wait I'm going to go by that right now. And then if they wanted to reach out and talk to you about how you can work together for helping to create a life that they truly dreamed of. What should they do next?


Pamela  24:06

So they can DM me on Instagram Pamela unicorn, or you can probably you can find us almost everywhere. So we are on Facebook we are on Instagram, but we mostly show up on Instagram. So if you and Leeza does Twitter, so if you want to find Leeza your handle name


Leeza  24:25

Is Leeza Robertson

Lindsay  24:30

I love it. Well, thank you both so much for giving this beautiful gift to us and helping me understand a little bit here so if you guys can find something that you can resonate with here I would totally take this Tarot healer was out or head on to Pamela unicorn, her Instagram and I know I'm gonna save her there because Pamela she is so fancy back to you. So I'm gonna say that as a really great way to go. But you can also pick up Lisa on Leeza Roberson on Twitter. So thank you for being here today, I so appreciate you.


Pamela  25:02

Thank you, Lindsay.